Ummu Hawa Projects

Ummu Hawa Projects is a community-based organization located in Kina, Isiolo County, Northern Kenya. Established to address the spiritual and social needs of the local population, we are driven by a deep commitment to Islamic principles and a passion for community service.

Our organization was founded with the aim of creating a positive and lasting impact on the lives of those in need. By focusing on essential areas such as religious education, infrastructure development, and humanitarian aid, Ummu Hawa Projects has become a cornerstone of support for the people of Kina and its surrounding areas.

We welcome you to be part of our projects by volunteering or donating. Thank you


Masjid Construction

Building and maintaining mosques to provide a space for worship, community gatherings, and religious education

Feeding the Less Fortunate

Organizing regular food distribution drives to support needy families and individuals, ensuring they have access to nutritious meals

Community Development

Engaging in various community upliftment projects, such as clean water initiatives, healthcare support, and educational programs.


Establishing and supporting madrasas for children and adults to learn Quranic teachings, Islamic jurisprudence, and moral values.

Animal Sacrifice for Hajj

Facilitating the ritual of Qurbani (animal sacrifice) during Hajj, ensuring that the meat reaches the deserving members of the community

Narrated ‘Adi bin Hatim heard the Prophet saying:

“Save yourself from Hell-fire even by giving half a date-fruit in charity.”